Posted: June 18, 2020
2020 Fair Special Edition: Iowa 4-H and FFA Livestock Show Information
In the spirit of tradition, the Iowa State Fairgrounds are excited to host the 2020 Fair Special Edition: Iowa 4-H and FFA Livestock Show. Held with the same prestige and competition found at the Iowa State Fair, this 2020 Special Edition will showcase the superior showmanship, hard work, and determination of Iowa’s 4-H and FFA youth. This Special Edition show will follow all Iowa Department of Public Health and CDC recommendations for social distancing, hand washing and sanitization, so although it will be held in August and on the Iowa State Fairgrounds, you may notice some “special” considerations for this stand-alone event.
Purpose: To support the mission statement of the Iowa State Fair by providing an opportunity for Iowa 4-H and FFA youth to showcase their hard work and livestock projects.
Eligibility: Open to Iowa 4-H and FFA exhibitors that have nominated livestock projects for the 2020 Iowa State Fair. Shows will be available for the following:
FFA Beef
FFA Horse
FFA Meat Goat
FFA Poultry*
FFA Rabbit*
FFA Sheep
FFA Swine
FFA & 4-H Dairy Cattle
FFA & 4-H Dairy Goats
4-H Beef
4-H Horse
4-H Meat Goat
4-H Poultry*
4-H Rabbit
4-H Sheep
4-H Swine
*nomination not required
Schedule: The attached schedule allows more room for exhibitors to obey social distancing recommendations. The separation of the shows allows for the Fairgrounds to be cleaned thoroughly between sessions.
**Some shows and competitions will not be offered for 2020. This includes the 4-H Dog Show, all carcass and/or performance contests including FFA Performance Beef, 4-H Beef of Merit, Sheep and Swine Carcass Contests, Livestock Skillathons, and non-show competitions (no poster presentations, etc.) and no Showmanship classes will be conducted this year. Just simply the livestock shows themselves.
Attendees: For crowd control purposes each exhibitor will receive 3 wristbands total.
A limited number of wristbands will be available to show supporters. A $100 donation to the show will grant the donor 2 wristbands good for all three sessions August 6-22. Click here to donate.
Wristbands will be required to access the Fairgrounds. Wristbands will not be available on site.
No additional fees for admission or parking will be charged.
Entry: 4-H exhibitors will enter thru 4-H Online.
FFA exhibitors will work with their advisor to enter thru the Fair entry system.
Both systems will open on Monday, June 22.
Entry Deadline: July 10, 2020
Entry fees are as follows:
FFA Beef $35
FFA Horse $25/head + $5/class
FFA Meat Goat $15
FFA Poultry $5
FFA Rabbit $5
FFA Sheep $15
FFA Swine $15
FFA & 4-H Dairy Cattle $30
FFA & 4-H Dairy Goats $15
4-H Beef $35
4-H Horse $25/head + $5/class
4-H Meat Goat $15
4-H Poultry $5
4-H Rabbit $5
4-H Sheep $15
4-H Swine $15
Exhibitor Communication: Follow show information on Facebook under 2020 Fair Special Edition: Iowa 4-H and FFA Livestock Show or text SHOW to 75782
Generators: No auxiliary generators will be provided.
Parking: Parking will be allowed on the fairgrounds in designated areas at no cost. All persons in the vehicle must have a wristband to enter the Fairgrounds. Wristbands will not be available on site.
Trailer Parking: Trailers parking will be available on grounds in designated areas at no cost.
Premiums and Ribbons: The Danish Ribbon systems will still be used – exhibitors will receive the typical Purple, Blue, Red, White in each class. However, monetary premiums will be paid only to the top 3 placings in each class across all divisions.
Rules: Premium books with full rules will be available by end of day June 19 at www.iowastatefair.org/participate/competition/how-to-enter/
Exhibitors will notice some key changes for 2020 in certain species. For instance, due to no market outlet, market swine will not be loaded out for harvest. All shows will be non-terminal with the exception of the following animals that will be processed at Iowa State University Meat Lab: Grand and Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Steer; Grand and Reserve Grand 4-H Champion Market Heifer; Grand and Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Hog; Grand and Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Lamb; Grand and Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Broiler (Special); Grand Champion 4-H Market Meat Goat; Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Lamb; Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion FFA Market Hog; Grand Champion FFA Market Meat Goat.
Due to physical distancing requirements, reduction of interactions and lack of resources, carcass classes will not be available.
Other Amenities: A small variety of food and show supply vendors will be available.
No overnight accommodations will be allowed in the barns or the Youth Inn.
Camping is available in the Fair campgrounds. More information may be found here: https://www.iowastatefairgrounds.org/camping/off-season-camping/
COVID-19 Precautions:
All employees, exhibitors, vendors, and patrons must closely follow all rules, guidelines, and advice set forth by the United States Federal Government, CDC, State of Iowa Governor’s Office, Iowa Department of Public Health, ESA (Event Safety Alliance), and the IISC (Iowa Illinois Safety Council).
It is strongly encouraged that volunteers, participants, and families use face coverings and practice physical distancing.
Some rows or sections of seating may be blocked off in order to space people at least 6 feet apart.
Lines or queues will be eliminated where possible or people will be encouraged to stay at least 6 feet apart by providing signs or other visual cues such as tape or chalk marks.
Frequent hand washing with soap and water is greatly encouraged. If soap and water is not available hand sanitation stations will be placed throughout the barns and show arenas.
Cleaning and sanitization of all frequently touched surfaces will occur during the set-up and throughout the duration of the events.
For further information, please contact the Competitive Events Department at competitiveevents@iowastatefair.org or 515.262.3111 x207
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